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Torrenter V2 is a new Torrent Stream/Download add-on.

The main player uses python-libtorrent which is available only on Windows and Unix - NOT on Android, the dev DiMartino has added Ace Stream as well.

This add-on allows you to watch video from P2P networks. It also allows you to add/control torrents and play downloaded files via uTorrent, Transmission or Vuse

To Install:

- Download the MyShows repo
- Open XBMC
- Select SYSTEM > Settings

- Select Add-Ons

- Select Install from zip file

- Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file in the first step and select

- Select Get Add-Ons

- Select Kodi Repo

- Select Video Add-Ons

- Select Torrenter

- Select Install

- Wait for Enabled to show up 

Torrenter is now installed. You can launch it the same way as other Video add-ons via the home screen VIDEOS > Add-Ons

When you first launch the add-on there is a language check - the add-on is in Russian - choose yes when it asks if you want to delete Russian Stuff (unless you are Russian of course). The add-on should now be in English. If not then go back out and go in again.

This is the most recent post.
Older Post